If this is your first time donating online with us, we ask that you read our FAQ’s section below. Please contact Cynthia Eades with any issues or questions.

Ways to Give

If Giving By Check:

  • Drop your donation in the offering plate during church service
  • Mail a check to the church: 1041 Edgewood Avenue South Jacksonville, FL 32205

If Giving Online:



Is it safe to give online?

Yes. The security of the system is continually managed by Breeze Church Management Software.

From what types of bank accounts can I give?

You can give online from your checking or savings account.

Can I use a credit card or debit card to make a contribution?

Yes, you can use Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover.

Are there any fees involved with giving online?

Not to you. You will not pay any fees with an online gift. Contributions made online come with a small fee to the church.

How do I make a recurring gift?

To make a recurring gift, change “one time gift” to the frequency of your choosing from the online giving area above.

If I want to set-up a recurring gift, what are my options for frequency of my gift?

For recurring gifts, you have the option of giving weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, yearly.

Can I review my donation history online?

Yes. When you set up an account, the site will allow you to view the complete history of your online contributions.

Will I still receive regular contribution statements from the church?

Yes. The church will continue to send year-end contribution statements for tax purposes. These statements will reflect all your contributions to Christ Church including those made online.

Can I designate my gift to a particular ministry?

Yes, you can give towards the overall ministry of Christ Church InTown via the General Fund or directly to the Deacon’s Fund to help our members in need.

How will I know that I set up my gift correctly?

Immediately after submitting your contribution, you will receive an email verifying your contribution.

I have additional questions about online giving that have not been addressed. Who can I talk to?

For any questions, concerns or comments about the online giving system, please contact Cynthia Eades. You will receive a response as soon as possible.