Serving @ InTown

The church is not a social club, an affinity group, or a provider of religious goods and services, but rather a family of disciples and missionaries. The church exists to embody the reign of God’s Kingdom in its place and time. The church participates in the mission of God, which is the renewal of all things in Jesus Christ.

As such, God has called our church to witness to his Kingdom in the core neighborhoods of Jacksonville. We will seek the renewal of our city spiritually, relationally, socially and culturally. We seek to love our neighbors for Jesus’ sake, especially the poor and vulnerable in our city.

Though we are rooted in our place and time, God’s Kingdom mission extends to the ends of the earth so that all people would know his grace. We seek to partner in this mission in Jacksonville and around the world through our service, prayer and generosity.

Sunday Teams

We believe that the ministry of the church is not to be left in the hands of a few paid professionals, but is rather the work of the whole community. We have many opportunities for service on Sunday mornings, and our hope is that all of our members and regular attenders will serve once a month on our Sunday teams. See below for our teams and contact the team leader to start serving.


We have children’s programs during our service each week for kids from birth to 5th grade. This ministry requires many loving and engaged volunteers to care for young children. Each volunteer will be trained and undergo a background check. E-mail Carol Wilkening to get connected with this team.


This team serves by creating a warm, hospitable environment for our guests on Sunday mornings. They greet people, talk to guests about the church at our connect table and then serve as ushers during the service. E-mail Eunice Gonzaga to get connected with this team.


This team arrives early each week to help us set up our worship and children’s spaces. After the service, they help to clean up and store our gear. E-mail Hal Wilkening to get connected with this team.


Do you have musical talents? Do you sing, play an instrument, or know how to operate a sound board? We would love to have you get connected with our team of musicians and sound technicians and use your gifts in our worship services. E-mail Ed Ross to get connected with this team.

Serving Others

We are a congregation of the Christ Church family of churches, along with Christ Church Presbyterian and Christ Church East. By God’s grace we hope to reproduce and plant more congregations as outposts of the Kingdom of God around Jacksonville.

We believe that this is the way we are called to participate with Jesus in the renewal of our city. Christ Church InTown is called particularly to Jacksonville’s urban core. We live and work in the neighborhoods of central Jacksonville, and we are called to embody God’s grace here.

We seek to serve urban Jacksonville by loving the poor and powerless, by equipping men and women to seek the well-being of our community in their various callings, and above all by being a community where broken and doubting people find the love of God in Jesus Christ

Missions Partnerships

Our calling to seek the renewal of all things in Jesus Christ is far beyond our capacity, so we partner with like-minded churches and organizations locally and around the world. We hope to be a fruitful local church with a global impact. E-mail Cynthia Eades for more information about our missions involvement and how you can be involved.